Friday, 10 February 2012

What is happening

The title says it really. Maybe I am a bit confused at the moment.who knows.

Any hows let me continue with a couple of issues that I have at the moment. First provision of  local services.
The annoying thing that I see at the moment is the continued cuts to provision of library services. Already there are rumours in one borough that computers are going to be donated to voluntary groups, which is a nice gesture but when you think that the council will no longer provide back up support as well as the cost of an ISP (Internet provider) then all doesn't bode well for the local community. If you also remember that other facilities such as One stop shops providing benefit advice for example are also going to be limited. Still it is another way of making the vulnerable go without. 

Another concern is the resignation of Fabio Capello as England manager. Of course he could resign 4 or so months early if you compare the amount he was earning against Stephen Hester. O K I can understand that he felt that his authority was being undermined by the Football Association but there were surly other ways of discussing his grievance. Of course whoever gets the position of England manager will have to deal with the usual issues i.e are the players of enough calibre to reach the finals of major events. England's record isn't exactly anything to write home about.

It's always been talk and not action with the F. A. and not just recently. I frankly along with most fans no doubt am sick and tiered of hearing the same old thing. Yes I am an Ireland fan but the problems for England at an international level are a symptom of the football system in England as a whole.