Wednesday, 25 January 2012

I'm Back Just About

Hello and welcome back. I have been occupied by things over the last few months and so haven't got round to writing things.

I wish I could write this feeling happy however things seem to be really low at the moment. I was on a project doing podcasts, which I at present cannot continue with plus there is the pressure of being put onto the government's Mandatory Work Programme.

I am fearful of being put onto a scheme which will not benefit me. This in fact reminds me of New Labour's Flexible New Deal. I remember being put onto a scheme administered by A4E who were the main provider of services. I remember at one stage having to sneak into a toilet to use my mobile to find out about any vacancies as the phones did not work in the centre I was in

Although I eventually got work it was through my boss who secured grant funding for my position nothing to do with A4E.

At time of writing it is nearly 3 and a half years since I was made redundant and although I have undertaken some placements in my time I am still frustrated that nothing has come. The way things are going at the moment mean that I will end up in a mental home before I get a job.

This is why I feel the governments attempts at getting people back to work are not being administered properly.  OK target those who have made no effort whatsoever but why penalise the middle group like myself who would be willing to get up at 7 o clock in the morning.

Unsurprisingly The Big Society idea which was mooted hasn't exactly done what was promised. How many third sector organisations are suffering due to government cuts. It has been reported that those in this sector who applied to take on the work programme have been left disappointed. The National Audit Office has apparently said that the numbers getting back to work in the first  5 and a half months or so are only 26% compared to the 46% target.

Of course why would Ian Duncan Smith or Chris Grayling want to listen to the views of those who are struggling to find suitable work conditions, I get the feeling that its all a numbers game and that the poor and vulnerable are being made to pay for the mistakes of others.

I hope my next post will be more cheerful but frankly at the moment I don't see it.

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